





  • Regarding ~
  • With regard to ~
  • Concerning ~

Regarding / With regard to / Concerning your order,


In responses to ~
In response to your request,


We receive ~
We received an inboice from you today.


This is to inform you ~
This is to inform you that we received your payment for march.


We are pleased to infom you ~
We are pleased to inform you that your order was shipped on June 25.

申し訳ありませんが / 残念ながら~をお知らせします

We are sorry to inform you that ~
We regret to inform you that ~
We are sorry to inform you that / We regret to imform you that the item you ordered is out of stock.

取り急ぎ~をお知らせ / ご連絡いたします

This is just to let you know that ~
Just a quick note to inform you that ~
This is just to let you know that / This is just a quick note to inform you that we received your e-mail.


I have ~
I have some questions about your products.

~の通り / ~に基づき

As ~
As discussed,
As per ~
As per my previous e-mail,
Based on ~
Based on our disccussion,


Thank you for ~
Many thanks for~
Thank you for / Many thanks for your quick reply.


Apologies for ~
Sorry for ~
Apologies for / Sorry for the delay in replying.
I am sorry to ~
Sorry to ~
Iam sorry to / Sorry to trouble you.


Please find / see ~
Please find / see the attached file.


I am sending you ~ / Attached is ~
I am sending you / Attached is a list of the new products.
~ is attached
My resume is attached.


FYI(=for your information),
For your reference,
FYI / For your reference, I am sending you this morning's newspaper article.

